Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sea Hags - s/t (1989)

Sea Hags album cover

They were hyped as the new Guns N' Roses when they released their only LP back in 1989. This release (from 2007) is a Rock Candy "Collector's Re-Issue" that contains 2 bonus demos previously unreleased. There are also extended liner notes that tell the story this promising band from San Francisco. Unfortunately, shortly after they released their debut album the broke up. Why? Well, the comparisons to Guns N' Roses may have been a bit too spot on since this band followed the rock'n'roll lifestyle a bit too much (i.e., heroin and other drugs). The music? Well, it rocks. This is a pure, passionate slab of 70s inspired hard rock. While the comparisons to G N' R are good, there is a bit of Aerosmith to them as well. Even for the late 80s, this is music that sounds inspired by an earlier era and does not have much to do with the hair-metal bands of Los Angeles. If you like your rock'n'roll dirty, with a little bit of danger, then Sea Hags will be a good listen.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Neil Young - After the Gold Rush (1970)

After The Gold Rush (CD, Album, Reissue) album cover

I found this in a used CD bin at Jupiter Records in San Diego. I have the LP but it is in storage :( I think I just needed to hear a little Neil. So many classic songs on this LP that it is hard to write about because most of you know it. Technically, this Neil's third solo LP and second with the superb Crazy Horse (this time with a 19 year old Nils Logren). If you like rock'n'roll maybe with a little a twang, then this is a must.

The Babys - Union Jacks (1980)

Union Jacks album cover

The Babys! Well, fairly well known and decent staple of FM radio in the late 70s and early 80s. Eventually, John Waite (lead singer) left the band to go solo and had a few hits in the MTV era. Good old fashioned mainstream pop band. The Babys were melodic with a little bit of muscle but not really power pop. They should have had more hits but they also should have had better songs. Still, not a bad band to get into and enjoy. Here is a hit from the album and then, my favorite song from the album, Back on my feet againMidnight Rendezvous

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Book - My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite (2018)

Wow. Short, quick read but hard to put it down.  Written from the point of view of Korede, the sister to the serial killer Ayoola. This book captures well the stress and thoughts of an older sister that knows her sibling is troubled but who must protect her at any cost. Braithwaite takes a creative approach to the book with lots of small chapters capturing certain moods and scenes. There is no wasted words in this novel. Also, the plot twist at the end is unanticipated but welcome. Recommended.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Baby Lemonade - The Best of Baby Lemonade (2015)

Best Of Baby Lemonade (CD, Album, Stereo) album cover

I know Baby Lemonade because they play as Love Revisited or The Love Band when backing original songwriters and founding members of Love, Arthur Lee and Johnny Echols. My admiration for this band is already through the roof given the professionalism and passion they approach playing as Love. Funny thing? I have never really heard one of their records. This is my first time listening to them as a stand-alone band. This CD is a "Best of.." so it gives me a nice little introduction to the music that they recorded over 4 albums.

Well, the CD opens with just a stellar track called Greenboat. To my ears, just a stone cold classic indie pop song. As far as I am concerned, discovering this song instantly made me feel that buying this CD was a great deal. However, that is not where the goodness ended. The next 11 songs are up to par if not as stunning as Greenboat. For instance, listen to the tenderness of the song World Lines, or the frentic Pop Tarte. Overall, great compilation that requires that I seek out all of their previous albums. You should as well.

Love Revisited - July 15, 2005: Burg Herzberg Festival Germany

I posted this on Facebook not too long ago included here with a few edits:

Last night I saw something very special. I was still in my teens when I was introduced to the album, Forever Changes, by Love. Love was an LA based band lead by Arthur Lee. The band also included other incredible musicians and songwriters as well (e.g., Johnny Echols and Bryan Maclean to name just two). Forever Changes is a beautiful album with gorgeous melodies and arrangements. It is very much a contemporary and as good as Sgt Pepper’s (The Beatles) and Pet Sounds (Beach Boys). In my opinion it is slightly better than those two phenomenal albums. Much later, after some trouble in his life, Arthur Lee recruited(?) the LA band Baby Lemonade to back him and tour as Love. The marriage was a match made in heaven. It was a young band of great musicians who were fans of Love and they played beautifully. The songs “lived” again, as well as Arthur Lee and Love's legacy. If you get a chance find, on YouTube the shows that this version of Love did in London where they reproduced song by song the album Forever Changes, including the orchestral arrangements that were found on the original album.

I eventually saw Love play while I was living in Minneapolis. It was in the mid 2000s and they played at First Avenue with another great 60s band, The Zombies. By the time they played in Minneapolis they had picked up original guitar player Johnny Echols as part of the band. Watching those two legends play together was perfect and emotional. It was good to see two members of the original band finally getting some of the recognition for their masterpiece. A few years later Arthur Lee passed away. However, it was good to read later on that Love with Johnny Echols would continue to play this amazing music as Love Revisited (or The Love Band). Last night was my first chance to see this version of the band again. Baby Lemonade and Johnny Echols as Love Revisited played the Casbah and just wowed me with their precision and respect that they show to the music. Johnny Echols, who looks exactly the same as he did in the mid 2000s, played his SG fluidly and was clearly having a great time listening to the music of his band being played expertly, and watching his music listened to adoringly by the Casbah audience. I smiled all night and often closed my eyes just realizing how lucky I was to be there at that very moment. Yet, if there was a highlight for me from an extraordinary night, it was listening to the band play this song below. Enjoy it for yourself. 

This CD was made available at the show and it is the band with Johnny Echols already in the band but after Arthur Lee had passed away.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Various Artists - Beat From Badsville: Trash Classics from Lux and Ivy's Vinyl Mountain Vol. 3

Beat From Badsville Volume 3 album cover

So, here is a little background. Lux Interior and Poison Ivy led a legendary punk, trash, garage rock band called The Cramps. In addition, Lux and Ivy were big time record collectors especially of the single or 45 variety. When Lux (singer and cofounder) died, his wife, guitarist and cofounder, Ivy,  essentially ended The Cramps. After The Cramps ended, given the general desire and glee for anything related to The Cramps, compilations (like this one) started to appear that supposedly take records from Lux and Poison's record collection and makes them available to the general population. Much like The Cramps, the records here range from 50s rockabilly and rock'n'roll, novelty records, and early RnB/doo-wop. Most of these artists are unknown (e.g., Glenn Reeves, The Morrocos, The Bobbettes), however, there are a few songs by more well known artists including Wanda Jackson, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Annette (Funicello), and teen-idol, Fabian.

Here is taste of what you will find on here:

Wanda Jackson - Mean, Mean Man
Charlie Baker - You Crack Me Up
Annette - Jo Jo The Dog Faced Boy

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Muffs - Happy Birthday to Me (1997)

Happy Birthday To Me album cover

Well, I bought this used not too long ago and had not had a chance to listen to it until this week. My bad. This is a great slice of pop punk and alternative rock that satisfies all your needs for crunchy guitars, gritty, strained female vocals, and sing-along melodies. When adding this to my Discog collection, I was surprised that this was from 1997. The music is not dated at all it is a pleasure to hear a bit of crunch to the guitars. In listening to it now, I am reminded of The Thermals. To my ears there is a similarity although I think the Muffs are a bit more melodic. I will need to explore more records by The Muffs. You should as well. Here is a taste of Crush Me  and a personal fave, All Baby Blue.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Grand Atlantic - This is Grand Atlantic (2006)

This Is Grand Atlantic (CD) album cover

Within the last year or so, I went through the Popboomerang catalog of music and ordered all those CDs that were listed as power pop/melodic guitar pop or indie rock. Scott Thurling, the mastermind behind the label also helped me in finding the right music to buy. I ended buying around 20 to 25 CDs. Grand Atlantic is one of those CDs I purchased. What a find!

I do not know much about this Australian outfit other than they are very good. They definitely are melodic but I get the sense they are bit moodier than the typical "power pop" band. In listening to this CD I am hearing more of a Posies or Gigolo Aunts vibe. In fact, I just checked with Scott Thurling on Facebook to see if my characterization is wrong and he says "No, You are not wrong!". So, my ears are still working well. : ) To get a sense of what Grand Atlantic is doing on this release (their debut), listen to gems like Wonderful Tragedy or Until It's Gone.  I also loved Take You For Granted. If you like a little more muscle to your pop, listen to Missile Crisis which to me sounds more like another great Australian band called You Am I. Overall, this is an excellent CD and recommended.

Kelly's Heels - Dig In ! (2004)

Dig In! A Popboomerang Compilation (CD, Compilation) album cover

Kelly's Heels is a UK based band that plays superb guitar based pop music. This release, on Australian-based Popboomerang Records, is a compilation of songs from their first 4 albums that spanned the years 1998-2003. I first became aware of Kelly's Heels from their association with the US based pop label Not Lame in the late 90s. Basically, if a CD came out on Not Lame, it was a must have. At the time, I am talking about the late 90s and early 2000s, guitar pop bands like this were coming out of the woodwork and the whole world was a melodic paradise.

If you have any doubts, check out Sabrina, the opening track of this compilation and the opening track on their debut Gone Off Pop ?!? Other standouts include How Much Worse? or She Knows or my personal favorite, Faded Out. While the period of 1998-2003 was a long time ago, this is still high quality pop that will bring a smile on your face even to your jaded heart in 2019. I mean, does good guitar pop ever age? I don't think so. Also, I believe this is still available from Popboomerang.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stoneage Hearts - Guilty As Sin (2005)

Guilty As Sin (Vinyl, LP, Album) album cover

All you need to know is that the Stoneage Hearts are from Australia and the incredibly talented Dom Mariani is on guitar and vocals. With that first sentence, that is really all you need to know. That first sentence should make you go and find this recording because anything that is fronted by Dom Mariani is just going to be a stone-cold classic of garage rock, power-pop, or acid-rock ,depending on the band. The Stoneage Hearts are a garage band, or if you don't like that term, just think of a rock'n'roll band. In fact, listen to Rock'n'Roll Boys Rock'n'Roll Girls. How about Your Smile. Convinced? This is from 2005! Nuff said.

Kusudo & Worth - Of Sun and Rain (2019 reissue)

Of Sun and Rain (Release, Album, Stereo) album cover

Originally released in 1968 as a private pressing of under 200 copies, the music of Ken Kusudo and Jeff Worth is available once again. Considered an underground classic of folk and acid folk, Of Sun and Rain contains haunting, intimate vocals, and beautifully sounding acoustic guitars. Many consider the music here to be comparable to any folk classic of the late 60s. For me it is perfect for a late night drive. This CD includes extensive booklet that tells the story of Kusudo & Worth. Enjoy this clip of Elizabeth

Cloud Eleven - Footnote (2019)

Footnote (CD, Album) album cover

Cloud Eleven is really Rick Gallego. Rick has been recording gorgeous, layered pop music from his home in Los Angeles for many years. On this album, Cloud Eleven's sixth, Rick plays all of the instruments.

Cloud Eleven's sound has a tinge of a 60s flavor but on this album I can hear a little bit of 70s influence creeping into the songs(?). However, to me the ultimate compliment that I can pay to Cloud Eleven is that they sound like classic "California music". I don't mean surf music or early Beach Boys but it certainly has a late 60s/early 70s sound to it that reminds me of California. As a sample, consider On Pismo Beach. Or the moody but gorgeous backt-to-back songs of  kingsville and same sky

Various Artists - East Side Story Limited Edition CD Box Set

East Side Story Volume 1 (Vinyl, LP, Compilation, Limited Edition, Remastered, Stereo) album cover

While the picture is of Volume 1, I actually purchased the 12 CD box set. This collection is legendary, especially on the West Coast, as it is dedicated to the low riders and the low rider culture. Over the years it has become more a symbol of the East LA Latino population and Latinos in general. For more background, please go to here to see the article written up in the LA Weekly. Here is a good description from that article on what you are listening to:

These were the songs often associated with Mexican-American lowrider culture, the types of songs one could expect to hear floating from the windows of a car like Ruiz's, cruising down Whittier Boulevard or similar thoroughfares in San Jose, San Antonio or Chicago circa 1978. The songs on the records weren't necessarily from L.A., but the East Side Story records originated here, and were particularly cherished for their covers, which featured snapshots of East L.A. Chicanos and Chicanas and their cars.

The music contained over these 12 CDs is really a type of  sad, sweet soul music best represented by bands like The Delfonics or The Four Tops. The songs mostly deal with a love-lost, and are moody and melodic; The songs here are the type of soul music that you would listen to when driving around late at night, on the boulevard, reminiscing about a lost love. Initially released in the 70s and the 80s, if you like your soul music sweet and love to cruise on the boulevard, this set is for you. Here is a sample from Vol. 4. Mr Garland Green with Jealous Kind of Fella. Also, check out the beautiful song by Baby Washington, That is How Heartaches Are Made.  Both of these are on Vol. 4 which I am listening to as I type this. 

Saturday, August 31, 2019

Trinity - Life (1980)

Life (Vinyl, LP, Album) album cover

Also released as Have a Little Faith in Jamaica, this Linval Thompson produced album is solid. Trinity is a well known, old-school DJ. He has a nice smooth style and on this album he is riding riddims played by the Roots Radics. The backing vocals on these versions is usually (but not always) Linval Thompson (who is a first class singer and producer in his own right!). Overall, this album is filled with great melodic rhythms for Trinity to chat over. Definitely made for those their reggae hard and rootsy. Should you get this if you are new to reggae?  Let me put it this way. If I told a reggae collector that I have a Trinity record DJ'ing over Linval Thompson riddims played by the Roots Radics, they would buy it immediately. If you find this album in a used bin or new (since the Abraham label appears in record stores all over) buy this.

Robert Ffrench - The Favourite (2019 repress)

The Favourite (Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue) album cover

Robert Ffrench's first album gets the repress treatment from French label, Patate Records. Originally released on the Black Solidarity label back in 1985, this is a solid if not spectacular release. Robert Ffrench is a fine singer who is comfortable singing over roots and lovers riddims. Maybe not a must have in terms of key reggae albums to own but the collectors and the deep reggae enthusiasts will either already have this or gobble this right up. A bit of a warning. My copy sounds very crisp and distorts at the high-end. Some will be bothered by this and should maybe play a copy before committing to buying a copy.

The Sleepwalkers - Roots Rockin' with (2016)

Roots Rockin' With (CD, Album, Stereo) album cover

This is a fun record. The Sleepwalkers, hailing from the San Diego area, are a great mix of rockabilly, rocknroll, and cumbias. A great CD for parties. Highly recommended for those that want a fun listen.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

The Brian Jonestown Massacre - Spacegirl and Other Favories (2003)

Spacegirl And Other Favorites album cover

If you are not familiar with The Brian Jonestown Massacre (BJM), you would not be alone.  BJM is basically the work of Anton Newcombe. He has been recording as BJM since 1990. He is still recording and putting out great rock'n'roll that seems to be pretty influenced by 60s psychedelic and garage rock with lots of fuzz. His songs always seem to find a great melodic riff that burns in your brain. Because of the nature of his music, I often find myself sort of "grooving out" or "spacing out" when his music is playing. It is like being in a trance. This collection of songs were recorded by Anton on his own when we had access to a recording studio from midnight to 10 am every day.  Apparently, Anton would write and record these songs while playing all of the instruments. Years later, he decided to release this set of songs. Lucky Us! Most of these songs were recorded just a little after BJM recorded their first LP called Methadone. For a taste of what BJM sounds like, take a listen to the great Hide and Seek. Great groove.

There is a great music documentary about BJM and The Dandy Warhols that is a must watch. It will also explain a bit why I did not spend a lot of time trying to explain BJM.  Just watch the documentary Dig. Check out the trailer

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book: Swim Through the Darkness by Mike Stax (2016)

Swim Through the Darkness: My Search for Craig Smith and the Mystery of Maitreya Kali by [Stax, Mike]

Written by Mike Stax of the great website and magazine, Ugly Things, this book tells the story of Craig Smith's descent into madness. Craig Smith was an all-American, clean-cut boy whose singing career took off after landing a spot as part of the Good Time Singers that appeared weekly on the Andy Williams Show in the 1960s. Craig eventually left the Good Time Singers and was a successful songwriter (i.e., writing for Andy Williams, Glen Campbell, and the Monkees), and even landed a lead role in a critically acclaimed television pilot about a three member folk group in NYC. For all practical purposes, Craig Smith's life was going well. However, during a trip to India (did he ever get there?), Craig was brutally beaten and likely suffered significant damage to his brain. Craig eventually made it back to Los Angeles but it really wasn't the same Craig that left.  Craig came back and told people to call him Maitreya Kali. In addition, Maitreya developed a messiah complex. Eventually, for many years, Craig/Maitreya lived on the streets of Los Angeles.  He eventually died on the streets in 2012. Mike Stax details his journey in trying to find Craig with the hope of understanding what happened to the man who gave us not only his own solo music (i.e., two solo albums released in the early 70s as Maitreya Kali) but also the music of his 60s band, Penny Arkade. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Various Artists - Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (2018)

Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (CD, Compilation) album cover

What is Baroque Pop? Well, it is sound that can be described as the merger of psychedelic music and lush orchestral arrangements that includes flutes, oboes, harpsichords, recorders, and french horns. Think of Sgt Pepper by The Beatles and Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. This 3 CD clam box compilation of British baroque pop is another gem from the Grapefruit label. There are more than a few standouts like Harmony Grass' Mrs Richie. Bands like The Move, The Zombies, and Honeybus are represented but fortunately the large majority of the songs on this compilation are new to me( and probably to you as well). This fact makes getting this set and listening to it a fun adventure. Check out John George's Goodbye for another sample of the baroque sound.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Resonars - No Exit (2019)

No Exit album cover

Just another great record of melodic goodness from Matt Rendon. Matt, who is based out of Tuscon, Arizona, has been putting out records since 1997 as The Resonars. Matt also owns a  studio in Tuscon (Midtown Island Studio) that he uses to record bands both local and from outside of Arizona.

 Matt writes crisp, melodic song with a 60s vibe. He has a knack for a catchy hook. However, this music is not bubblegum or light in any way. Matt's songs and records have a power to them, Some of the songs actually pack a wallop but always with a well defined melody. Is it psychedelic or power pop? It is a combination of both. Here is an example. Listen to Louise Tonight

Robert Johnson - Close Personal Friend (1978)

Close Personal Friend album cover

Late 70s power pop! Just a great record and a must to own. I had heard good things about this record but actually listening to it makes me feel that I waited too long to own this for myself. As good a record of this genre as I have heard in a while. Just get it if you like melodic rock from the late 70s. Here is a nice little gem to sample Leslie

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hollywood Sinners - Disastro Garanito

Disastro Garantito album cover

Hailing from Spain this little trip packs a wallop! Think of three kids who listened to a lot of 60s/70s high energy punk rock and you will get an idea of this band. I am exhausted just listening to these guys plays because it is a full face frontal attack! Short bursts of melodic rock that is fun and will make you want to get up and dance or bop or pogo. This is from 2011.

I recently saw these guys live and they were outstanding. I am now a big fan! Check out Huracan Pacquito

Salt Lick - s/t

Salt Lick (Vinyl, LP, 45 RPM, Stereo) album cover

Salt Lick hails from Los Angeles. Specifically, I understand they are from Echo Park. Salt Lick is in that hard, acid rock space that is receiving increasing attention these days. The promotional sticker on the LP mentions the MC5, Blue Cheer, and brown acid. All these references make sense when you listen to this album. Great riffs and a very loud and distorted sound. I recently saw these guys live and they play and sound like the real thing. This album is not for the weak of heart. Play loud! Here is a sample of them playing live.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Brown Sugar- I'm In Love With A Dreadlocks (Brown Sugar And The Birth Of Lovers Rock 1977-80)

I'm In Love With A Dreadlocks (Brown Sugar And The Birth Of Lovers Rock 1977-80) (Vinyl, LP, Compilation) album cover

Very cool release and very good reggae music on this Soul Jazz compilation of the female trio, Brown Sugar. Pauline Catlin, Caron Wheeler, and Carol Simms made up the British trio and this 2LP collects records released between 1977-80.

Soul Jazz releases are top-notch. This release is no exception. The notes  included in this gatefold sleeve tell the story and historical importance of the band but also provides background on Lovers Rock (a sub category of reggae music) that emerged in the UK. While many associate Lovers Rock with a more polished reggae sound it seems that Lovers Rock could also include black conscious music. Check out this gem out for a taste. Our Reggae Music

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jon Auer - Songs from the Year of Our Demise

Songs From The Year Of Our Demise album cover

Jon Auer is a guitarist/songwriter/singer in The Posies. He shares those duties with Ken Stringfellow. The Posies as a group are one of my favorite guitar-driven bands. They have been around since at least the late 80s. Known for their gorgeous melodies, both Jon and Ken share the vocals and the songwriting duties in The Posies. While Ken has produced a few stellar solo LPs, Jon has been a bit less prolific. This album came out in 2006 and I just found it recently in a used bin in Southern California.

When playing this CD, the first thing that came to mind is that many of these songs (if not all) could have easily been found on a Posies record. That is a good thing and makes it worth getting. Jon's ability to write memorable melodies is on full display.

The sticker on the CD states the following, "The stunningly heartfelt and deeply personal debut solo full-length from the singer/songwriter/guitarist of The Posies..." I think this is right on. This is a CD that one should listen to on headphones with the lyrics in front of you. If you can't find this CD, find some Posies records. You will enjoy them and Jon's songs. For a taste, enjoy You Use To Drive Me Around or Angelita

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Katie Toupin - Magnetic Waves

Magnetic Moves (CD, Album) album cover

I have been on a huge Katie Toupin fan-boy kick. Within the last month I have "discovered" who she was via a Facebook or Instagram advertisement that crept on my feed, learned about her previous band, watched some videos and plugs for her upcoming album, saw her perform live at Soda Bar in San Diego, bought the CD and had her sign it, and finally listened with pleasure to her music at home.

The first thing you notice about Katie is that she has a great voice. It sounds familiar to me and yet it is unique. How to describe it? There is a little bit of Gwen Stefani / Amy Winehouse in her voice. Please don't think she is in anyway imitating those artists, however. She is not. However, to some people there will be some resemblance. When it comes to the music, Katie writes great melodic pop like the opening song, Magnetic Waves, to tender ballads like As Good As It Gets.  Another favorite of mine is I Need You which contains a great vocal hook.

Here is a link to and acoustic performance of I Need You. Enjoy.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Various Artists - That'll Flat...Get It ! Vol. 14 (Rockabilly from the Vaults of Sun Records)

That'll Flat ... Git It! Vol. 14: Rockabilly From The Vaults Of Sun Records (CD, Compilation) album cover

I love roots music. That is, I like music that is real and that is original. Naturally, this leads me to rockabilly. I have been collecting this rockabilly series for a little bit and I have about 19 volumes of That'll Flat...Get It but the problem is that there are 32 volumes out! Ha! This series also issues rockabilly from other labels but Vol. 14 is dedicated to the Sun vaults. For those not in the know, Elvis Presley got his start at Sun. I hope that this is not the first time you heard that.

Vol. 14 specifically focuses mostly on recordings that were never actually issued on Sun but either recorded at Sun or sent to Sun as a demo. It appears that someone at the label heard these recordings and for some reason or another decided that they were just not up to par. It is a shame because some of these recordings are pretty good. Actually, having listened to the songs released here, I am pretty sure that these recordings could have easily been released on other labels at the time.

This is pure rockabilly and they all seem pretty good to me. Unless you are a serious rockabilly collector, which I am not, I can't imagine that you will find too much at fault with Volume 14. To get a sense of what you get, listen to Johnny Powers play Me and My Rhythm Guitar. Enjoy.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Book: In The Distance by Hernan Diaz

In the Distance

I try to read books that others consider great in large part because I am not as up to date on current novelists.  In the Distance was a book I chose to read because it was a finalist for a major award and, after reading it, I can see why it was a finalist. The basic story is that of a young Swedish man trying to get to NYC to meet his brother but ends up on the wrong ship out of England and sails all the way to San Francisco instead. The book then provides detail on this man's journey as he tries to make his way to NYC from San Francisco at a time when the most of the U.S. west was still a territory. The book has a Cormac McCarthy feel to it which I mean as a compliment. The description of the western U.S. and desert life is rich and one not only feels the heat and the thirst but also the isolation. Highly recommended.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Jon Brion - meaningless

Meaningless album cover

Finally got my hands on this CD after a long search. Released in 2000, this is an excellent showcase of a very talented songwriter and musician. Brion is mostly known for his work on soundtracks to films like Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love, I Heart Huckabees, and Lady Bird. However, I first became aware of Jon's brilliance was when he was a member of The Grays (along with the equally phenomenal Jason Falkner). The Grays were a blast of fresh air when there (only) LP came out back in 1994. The Grays album, Ro Sham Bo, was filled with hooks, guitars, and mature songs that hit all the right spots. Many of the songs on this album sound like they could have been part of that classic LP. I even get the same vibe when listening to this album as I did when I listened to The Grays LP (at least for the Jon Brion songs!). That is a good vibe! If you find this album, get it. Here is a taste of the song Meaningless.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Various Artists - Bunny Lee : Dreads Enter The Gates With Praise (2019)

Dreads Enter The Gates With Praise (Vinyl, LP, Compilation) album cover

A new 3LP reggae various artists album on Soul Jazz will always get my attention. Soul Jazz reggae albums are always well packaged and usually of top-shelf quality. In fact, Soul Jazz's Studio One series is a must have for any true fan of reggae music. This set, however, places its focus on the work of legendary reggae producer Bunny "Striker" Lee. While Bunny Lee started producing in the late 60s, this collection contains output from the 70s when Bunny Lee was one of the premier (if not the premier) producer in Jamaica. The 70s reggae scene in Jamaica gave us what is known as "roots reggae" and it just happens to my personal favorite era of reggae music. If you have never heard roots reggae then this is not a bad place to start. The sound is sparse and heavy, slow and moody.

As the title implies, 70s roots music is mostly associated with songs about Rastafari (e.g., praising him, following him) and the struggles faced by the poor (sufferers) in Jamaica. Hence, many of the titles here reflect that. For example, see titles like Enter His Gates with Praise (Johnny Clarke), So Jah Seh (Jackie Edwards), Real Born Africa (Jah Stitch), Natty Dread Have Ambition (Shorty the President), and You Should Be Thankful (Mighty Diamonds). So, for those that are new to reggae, this is not Three Little Birds by Bob Marley. Buyer beware.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Dreams So Real - Gloryline (1990)

Gloryline (Vinyl, LP, Album) album cover

Hailing from Georgia, Dreams So Real was from the same scene that gave us bands like REM (and other bands from Athens, Georgia). This is their third album. The first two, Father's House and Rough Night in Jericho are excellent. There is a toughness to Dreams So Real and also a darkness. However, this band is always so melodic. Barry Marler's voice is muscular with a bit of gravel. Yet, his voice fits perfectly the mood of the music. For a taste, here is a bit of the title track. Another good one is Overton Park/Faith or Here Comes The Train

Monday, June 3, 2019

Various Artists - Try A Little Sunshine: The British Psychedelic Sounds of 1969

Try A Little Sunshine (The British Psychedelic Sounds Of 1969) (CD, Compilation) album cover

I am only half way through this amazing 3 CD box set (clam shell box) of British psych from 1969 but I am already in love and I need to post about it. This box set is provided by Grapefruit Records (a division of Cherry Red Records) and it continues their great series of similar box sets of British Psych from 1967 and 1968, respectively (all a must!).

Not sure if it is my mood or my current state of life but 1969 seemed to have been much more consistently melodic than 1967 and 1968. Maybe it is just my ear. However, one is really caught off guard by how pretty the melodies are on some of these songs. Some of the groups appearing on this set I am familiar with (e.g., The Move, Procol Harum, The Pretty Things) but the vast majority are new to me (e.g., Strawberry Jam, Balloon Busters, Paper Bubble). Easily 98 percent of the songs on this collection I have never heard before. Look, I am not a hard-core British Psych music collector but this box set certainly hits the spot and it is very reasonably priced! I think it is a must have and a great sampling of British Psych from 1969!

Wynn Stewart and The Tourists - Something Pretty

Something Pretty album cover

More Wynn Stewart on my turntable. I picked this album used for about $5 at Jupiter Records in San Diego. This is just pure Bakersfield country music. There is something so satisfying about music that is so honest and pure. This is from 1968. Here is a taste of the song, One More Memory. If you are ok with this you are going to love Wynn Stewart.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Kossoff - Back Street Crawler

Back Street Crawler album cover

I am late to the band Free. Free is the band that contained Paul Rodgers on vocals (pre Bad Company) and Paul Kossoff on guitar. This album from 1973 (after Free) is a fine blues rock album. The first side is one long, glorious instrumental called Tuesday Morning. The second side has more songs and some vocals by Jess Roden and Paul Rodgers. Highly recommended for those into that classic blues rock from the 70s. As usual, Kossoff's guitar playing is superb. Very melodic as well. Take a listen.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Wynn Stewart - It's Such A Pretty World Today

It's Such A Pretty World Today (Vinyl, LP, Album, Stereo) album cover

I love the sound of 'Bakersfield" country music. Wynn Stewart does it well. This album from 1967 just hits all the right notes. If you love Bakersfield country music (like Dwight Yoakam), then get yourself some Wynn Stewart!

Quicksilver Messenger Service - s/t

Quicksilver Messenger Service album cover

Finally bought a record from a band that I have heard tons about for decades. They were part of the San Francisco scene and contemporaries of Jefferson Airplane and the Grateful Dead. This debut album from 1968 is just a beautiful mix of early 'hippie music", or as I knew it growing up, Acid Rock. The key to the music on this record is the guitar work of John Cipollina. He is so melodic and the swirling guitar runs that hey plays are both memorable and mesmerizing. I wish I had listened to this band before. In fact, I would love to hear their live recordings from the era since it would be amazing to hear how the band would extend their jams on some of these songs. Check out this for a taste.