Monday, July 22, 2019

The Resonars - No Exit (2019)

No Exit album cover

Just another great record of melodic goodness from Matt Rendon. Matt, who is based out of Tuscon, Arizona, has been putting out records since 1997 as The Resonars. Matt also owns a  studio in Tuscon (Midtown Island Studio) that he uses to record bands both local and from outside of Arizona.

 Matt writes crisp, melodic song with a 60s vibe. He has a knack for a catchy hook. However, this music is not bubblegum or light in any way. Matt's songs and records have a power to them, Some of the songs actually pack a wallop but always with a well defined melody. Is it psychedelic or power pop? It is a combination of both. Here is an example. Listen to Louise Tonight

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