Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Various Artists - Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (2018)

Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (CD, Compilation) album cover

What is Baroque Pop? Well, it is sound that can be described as the merger of psychedelic music and lush orchestral arrangements that includes flutes, oboes, harpsichords, recorders, and french horns. Think of Sgt Pepper by The Beatles and Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. This 3 CD clam box compilation of British baroque pop is another gem from the Grapefruit label. There are more than a few standouts like Harmony Grass' Mrs Richie. Bands like The Move, The Zombies, and Honeybus are represented but fortunately the large majority of the songs on this compilation are new to me( and probably to you as well). This fact makes getting this set and listening to it a fun adventure. Check out John George's Goodbye for another sample of the baroque sound.

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