Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jon Auer - Songs from the Year of Our Demise

Songs From The Year Of Our Demise album cover

Jon Auer is a guitarist/songwriter/singer in The Posies. He shares those duties with Ken Stringfellow. The Posies as a group are one of my favorite guitar-driven bands. They have been around since at least the late 80s. Known for their gorgeous melodies, both Jon and Ken share the vocals and the songwriting duties in The Posies. While Ken has produced a few stellar solo LPs, Jon has been a bit less prolific. This album came out in 2006 and I just found it recently in a used bin in Southern California.

When playing this CD, the first thing that came to mind is that many of these songs (if not all) could have easily been found on a Posies record. That is a good thing and makes it worth getting. Jon's ability to write memorable melodies is on full display.

The sticker on the CD states the following, "The stunningly heartfelt and deeply personal debut solo full-length from the singer/songwriter/guitarist of The Posies..." I think this is right on. This is a CD that one should listen to on headphones with the lyrics in front of you. If you can't find this CD, find some Posies records. You will enjoy them and Jon's songs. For a taste, enjoy You Use To Drive Me Around or Angelita

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