Saturday, November 2, 2019

Grand Atlantic - This is Grand Atlantic (2006)

This Is Grand Atlantic (CD) album cover

Within the last year or so, I went through the Popboomerang catalog of music and ordered all those CDs that were listed as power pop/melodic guitar pop or indie rock. Scott Thurling, the mastermind behind the label also helped me in finding the right music to buy. I ended buying around 20 to 25 CDs. Grand Atlantic is one of those CDs I purchased. What a find!

I do not know much about this Australian outfit other than they are very good. They definitely are melodic but I get the sense they are bit moodier than the typical "power pop" band. In listening to this CD I am hearing more of a Posies or Gigolo Aunts vibe. In fact, I just checked with Scott Thurling on Facebook to see if my characterization is wrong and he says "No, You are not wrong!". So, my ears are still working well. : ) To get a sense of what Grand Atlantic is doing on this release (their debut), listen to gems like Wonderful Tragedy or Until It's Gone.  I also loved Take You For Granted. If you like a little more muscle to your pop, listen to Missile Crisis which to me sounds more like another great Australian band called You Am I. Overall, this is an excellent CD and recommended.

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