Saturday, October 12, 2019

Stoneage Hearts - Guilty As Sin (2005)

Guilty As Sin (Vinyl, LP, Album) album cover

All you need to know is that the Stoneage Hearts are from Australia and the incredibly talented Dom Mariani is on guitar and vocals. With that first sentence, that is really all you need to know. That first sentence should make you go and find this recording because anything that is fronted by Dom Mariani is just going to be a stone-cold classic of garage rock, power-pop, or acid-rock ,depending on the band. The Stoneage Hearts are a garage band, or if you don't like that term, just think of a rock'n'roll band. In fact, listen to Rock'n'Roll Boys Rock'n'Roll Girls. How about Your Smile. Convinced? This is from 2005! Nuff said.

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