Sunday, July 28, 2019

Book: Swim Through the Darkness by Mike Stax (2016)

Swim Through the Darkness: My Search for Craig Smith and the Mystery of Maitreya Kali by [Stax, Mike]

Written by Mike Stax of the great website and magazine, Ugly Things, this book tells the story of Craig Smith's descent into madness. Craig Smith was an all-American, clean-cut boy whose singing career took off after landing a spot as part of the Good Time Singers that appeared weekly on the Andy Williams Show in the 1960s. Craig eventually left the Good Time Singers and was a successful songwriter (i.e., writing for Andy Williams, Glen Campbell, and the Monkees), and even landed a lead role in a critically acclaimed television pilot about a three member folk group in NYC. For all practical purposes, Craig Smith's life was going well. However, during a trip to India (did he ever get there?), Craig was brutally beaten and likely suffered significant damage to his brain. Craig eventually made it back to Los Angeles but it really wasn't the same Craig that left.  Craig came back and told people to call him Maitreya Kali. In addition, Maitreya developed a messiah complex. Eventually, for many years, Craig/Maitreya lived on the streets of Los Angeles.  He eventually died on the streets in 2012. Mike Stax details his journey in trying to find Craig with the hope of understanding what happened to the man who gave us not only his own solo music (i.e., two solo albums released in the early 70s as Maitreya Kali) but also the music of his 60s band, Penny Arkade. Highly recommended.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Various Artists - Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (2018)

Come Join My Orchestra: The British Baroque Pop Sound 1967-73 (CD, Compilation) album cover

What is Baroque Pop? Well, it is sound that can be described as the merger of psychedelic music and lush orchestral arrangements that includes flutes, oboes, harpsichords, recorders, and french horns. Think of Sgt Pepper by The Beatles and Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys. This 3 CD clam box compilation of British baroque pop is another gem from the Grapefruit label. There are more than a few standouts like Harmony Grass' Mrs Richie. Bands like The Move, The Zombies, and Honeybus are represented but fortunately the large majority of the songs on this compilation are new to me( and probably to you as well). This fact makes getting this set and listening to it a fun adventure. Check out John George's Goodbye for another sample of the baroque sound.

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Resonars - No Exit (2019)

No Exit album cover

Just another great record of melodic goodness from Matt Rendon. Matt, who is based out of Tuscon, Arizona, has been putting out records since 1997 as The Resonars. Matt also owns a  studio in Tuscon (Midtown Island Studio) that he uses to record bands both local and from outside of Arizona.

 Matt writes crisp, melodic song with a 60s vibe. He has a knack for a catchy hook. However, this music is not bubblegum or light in any way. Matt's songs and records have a power to them, Some of the songs actually pack a wallop but always with a well defined melody. Is it psychedelic or power pop? It is a combination of both. Here is an example. Listen to Louise Tonight

Robert Johnson - Close Personal Friend (1978)

Close Personal Friend album cover

Late 70s power pop! Just a great record and a must to own. I had heard good things about this record but actually listening to it makes me feel that I waited too long to own this for myself. As good a record of this genre as I have heard in a while. Just get it if you like melodic rock from the late 70s. Here is a nice little gem to sample Leslie

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Hollywood Sinners - Disastro Garanito

Disastro Garantito album cover

Hailing from Spain this little trip packs a wallop! Think of three kids who listened to a lot of 60s/70s high energy punk rock and you will get an idea of this band. I am exhausted just listening to these guys plays because it is a full face frontal attack! Short bursts of melodic rock that is fun and will make you want to get up and dance or bop or pogo. This is from 2011.

I recently saw these guys live and they were outstanding. I am now a big fan! Check out Huracan Pacquito

Salt Lick - s/t

Salt Lick (Vinyl, LP, 45 RPM, Stereo) album cover

Salt Lick hails from Los Angeles. Specifically, I understand they are from Echo Park. Salt Lick is in that hard, acid rock space that is receiving increasing attention these days. The promotional sticker on the LP mentions the MC5, Blue Cheer, and brown acid. All these references make sense when you listen to this album. Great riffs and a very loud and distorted sound. I recently saw these guys live and they play and sound like the real thing. This album is not for the weak of heart. Play loud! Here is a sample of them playing live.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Brown Sugar- I'm In Love With A Dreadlocks (Brown Sugar And The Birth Of Lovers Rock 1977-80)

I'm In Love With A Dreadlocks (Brown Sugar And The Birth Of Lovers Rock 1977-80) (Vinyl, LP, Compilation) album cover

Very cool release and very good reggae music on this Soul Jazz compilation of the female trio, Brown Sugar. Pauline Catlin, Caron Wheeler, and Carol Simms made up the British trio and this 2LP collects records released between 1977-80.

Soul Jazz releases are top-notch. This release is no exception. The notes  included in this gatefold sleeve tell the story and historical importance of the band but also provides background on Lovers Rock (a sub category of reggae music) that emerged in the UK. While many associate Lovers Rock with a more polished reggae sound it seems that Lovers Rock could also include black conscious music. Check out this gem out for a taste. Our Reggae Music

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Jon Auer - Songs from the Year of Our Demise

Songs From The Year Of Our Demise album cover

Jon Auer is a guitarist/songwriter/singer in The Posies. He shares those duties with Ken Stringfellow. The Posies as a group are one of my favorite guitar-driven bands. They have been around since at least the late 80s. Known for their gorgeous melodies, both Jon and Ken share the vocals and the songwriting duties in The Posies. While Ken has produced a few stellar solo LPs, Jon has been a bit less prolific. This album came out in 2006 and I just found it recently in a used bin in Southern California.

When playing this CD, the first thing that came to mind is that many of these songs (if not all) could have easily been found on a Posies record. That is a good thing and makes it worth getting. Jon's ability to write memorable melodies is on full display.

The sticker on the CD states the following, "The stunningly heartfelt and deeply personal debut solo full-length from the singer/songwriter/guitarist of The Posies..." I think this is right on. This is a CD that one should listen to on headphones with the lyrics in front of you. If you can't find this CD, find some Posies records. You will enjoy them and Jon's songs. For a taste, enjoy You Use To Drive Me Around or Angelita