Friday, September 2, 2016

Various Artists - That'll Flat Git It! Vol. 20: Rockabilly From The Vaults of Event Records (CD) 2004

Man...this just flat out rocks!  This is pure unadulterated original rockabilly.  I love these types of compilations because they do a great job of giving you large amounts of great music (37 tracks) for a price cheaper than trying to find and buy the original 45s (assuming you can even find them).  This is Volume 20 (I also picked up Volume 24).  If you have the slightest interest in this genre (and you should), then go out and try some of these compilations out.  They are fun and since it is put out by Bear Family, the liner notes are top notch.  Here is a taste of Curtis Johnson - Lover Boy

By the way, this compilation concentrates on the output of the Event label out of Maine!

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