Sunday, September 4, 2016

The Turtles - All the Singles (CD) 2016

I have always loved all the big radio hits of The Turtles.  You know which ones I am talking about.  Song like Happy Together, Elenore, and You Showed Me.  The latter song being a personal favorite. However, much like my surprise discovery of the back catalog of The Beach Boys, The Turtles also have a wealth of beautiful pop music in their back catalog (and that they released on 45!).  If you like melodic pop music with flirtations (later) with psychedelic music then do yourself a favor and get this compilations.  Two CDs worth of music that spans the years 1965 until 1970.  Yes, some of the B sides are a little odd but they are odd in a charming way.  Well, maybe not so much Umbassa the Dragon. 

Before I listened to this CD, The Turtles for me were a good band with a couple of great songs.  After listening to this CD, The Turtles were more than that and the recordings on this compilation are a great showcase.  Glad to add this to the collection.

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