Thursday, September 1, 2016

Cheatahs - Mythologies (Vinyl) 2015

Blown away by the first Cheatahs EP and the debut album was also good.  It was the intense, frenzied, melodic guitar lines that really captured me.  The sound reminded me of the first Teenage Fanclub album or early Swervedriver.  This is the second LP by Cheatahs and it is good.  The intense guitar playing is still there but those melodic, cutting guitar lines are less prominent. The music is still melodic but it lacks that bite that the first EP contained.  This album seems to be soaked in fuzz and reverb.  In fact, the first couple of times I played this record I checked my needle because it sounded muddy.  On inspection I realized that my needle was fine and it was just the way the record was supposed to sound! I still recommend this album and I have played a few times since I purchased the record. While not as amazing as that first EP, this is still a damn good record and a damn good band.  For a taste of what Cheatahs sounds like listen to Red Lakes, the opening song on the album.

I have high hopes for this band and they have not failed me yet.  One of my favorite new bands out there.

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