Friday, January 28, 2022

Leslies - Totally Brilliant (CD, 1996) (Swedish Pop Collection CD #1)


Ok, so I am starting a new series here. I just purchased a collection of Swedish pop music CDs from a well known and very knowledgeable music collector. While she collects and listens to a wide variety of music, she was well known for her expertise and deep collection of Swedish pop music. The collection became suddenly available and I acted fast before others could strike. I literally sent her a message at 3am and I had a response back at 6am. By 7:30 am we had agreed to a price and I sent the money. Just a few days later, that collection was in my hands. So what follows in this series are my thoughts on the collection. First up, Leslies!

This is my first time listening to the Leslies and I have been missing out. Discogs tells me that this is the band's first album. So what it does it sound like? Well, check out this song, The Lime Song. Why is that when I listen to music like this I think of young guys with fresh haircuts, wearing hip clothes, sipping espressos at an outdoor cafe, and they are all wearing bright-colored cardigan sweaters? This is not an insult. It is just the image when I listen to music like this...there is an innocence to it. Whatever, I love the melodies.

If you like the song linked above you are probably going to like the whole album. To make sure, try the opening track, A Daydream

The album is pretty consistent. If you like great melodies and want to smile a little, Swedish pop almost always works and Leslies first album delivers the goods!

The Arch Angel

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