Almost all of the Grapefruit Records 3CD themed- various artists box sets are tremendous and you should probably own a few. However, if you do not then why not start with this one? This box set concentrates on the "Glam Rock" period of the early 70s in Britain and give us songs from such well known bands like Roxy Music, ELO, Slade, Sweet, and Be Bop Deluxe. However, there are also songs from less popular bands like The Hollywood Brats, Silverhead, The Hammersmith Gorillas, England's Glory, Heavy Metal Kids, and Hard Stuff. There are a bunch more as well. Check out the back of the box set for a track listing!
I was excited by this box set since it would introduce me to bands and music from an era that I did not know that well but sort of lived(?). No, I wasn't a glam rocker. Let me explain. I remember the glam rock era of the early 70s because as a pre-teen I would look at the music magazines on the racks of my local 7-11 or Circle K. In those magazines I would see stories and pictures of bands wearing bright and frilly clothes, make-up, teased-hair just-so, and platform shoes! Imagine being a kid and seeing pictures of Ziggy Stardust, The Sweet, or the New York Dolls. It just wasn't stuff you would see every day out and about, ya know? In addition, the older brothers and sisters of some of my childhood friends listened to this music and had posters of glam rockers on their bedroom walls. Unfortunately, unless some of this music was played on the radio, I did not get to hear the bands pictured in those music magazines or the bands on the posters that featured on Billy's sister's bedroom wall. But now I can!
One of the nice surprises arising from this box set is that you get exposed to some of the prettier music from that era. Check out the songs from artists like Duncan Browne, Simon Turner, and Leo Sayer (yes that Leo Sayer). However, for a more standard glam rock sound check out the Sweet track or the track by Rusty.
Get this!
For a taste: Leo Sayer - The Dancer or The Sweet - The Six Teens or Rusty - All I Wanna Be
Duncan Browne - Send Me The Bill For Your Friendship