Friday, January 31, 2020

Curt Boettcher - Misty Miracle (2018) (cassette)

Misty Mirage (Cassette, Compilation, Limited Edition) album cover

My previous post discussed baroque pop and one of the American masters of that sound is Curt Boettcher. This cassette (via Burger) is a reissue of a CD that was originally released in 2000. This recording is made up solo LP sessions, outtakes, demos, and adverts between 1967-1969.  The music is beautiful and very melodic. For example, listen to Misty Mirage or Baby It's Real. Note - I have included the definitive version of Baby It's Real but the demo is as good. That is just on the first side! The rest of the album has a similar feel and quality is high on the remainder of this album. More 60s goodness!

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