Friday, June 9, 2017

Records of the Week: Last of the Garage Punk Unkowns Volume 1 and Volume 2

I cheated. Instead of one "Record of the Week", I decided to go with two. I actually listened to Volume 1 a while ago but only was able to listen to Volume 2 within the last week. I initially thought about just posting about Volume 2 by itself but that did not really make any sense. Also, I figured if you like Volume 1 you are also going to like Volume 2 so I might as well discuss both at the same time.

Now to the record

Tim Warren is a legend in 60s garage punk rock circles and deservedly so.  His Crypt Records label has been putting out some of the finest 60s garage punk compilations, including the greatness found in:

  • Back From the Grave
  • Garage Punk Unkowns
  • Teenage Shutdown
  • Sin Alley
  • Strummin' Mental
The story about these two volumes is that Tim had enough new material to put out some new Teenage Shutdown volumes but the stamper was lost or thrown away by the LP manufacturer. So, based on the material that Tim had, and the sparse information he had on the bands, a decision was made to put out this series: Last of the Garage Punk Unknowns since it was similar to the previous series Garage Punk Unknowns. Got it?

Not much information is known about most of the bands on these records so the liner notes are limited but the liner notes still carry that Tim Warren humor and charm! In fact, so little is known about the bands on these records that Tim admits in the liner notes that many of the pictures of the bands on the jacket are not even of the bands on the record!

Trust me, it does not matter. You will love the pictures and you will love the music on these compilations.  These records are on the Crypt label so it carries that seal of quality.  Highly Recommended.  By the way, as of this writing, I think they are up to Volume 8 or so. I just ordered the LPs and CDs of Volume 3, 4, and 5! I am behind!

If you want to taste a little, try this link

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