Monday, August 29, 2016

Beach House - Thank Your Lucky Stars (CD) 2015

I got turned on to Beach House by a friend of mine that worked at Good Records in Dallas, Texas.  Hi Jacob!  For me Beach House is the type of band that plays what I call 'dream pop'.  Slow, moody, and melodic. I think the best way to listen to Beach House is turn out the lights and lay on your couch.  Close your eyes and let those haunting melodies just sweep over you.  Go ahead, fall into that trance!  I think this is my 4th album by them and all of them are quite good and sort of follow the same pattern - slow, pretty melodies and the female vocals of Victoria Legrand.  Yes, I have a thing for female vocals of this type.  For those that are more familiar with my taste in music you know that these types of bands are not common for me but Beach House is hard to resist.

For those that have never experienced anything by Beach House, please try this song, Majorette

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