Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Long Ryders - Native Songs (1984) Vinyl

Picked this up used, along with a bunch of other Long Ryder albums. I remember when this came out back in the early 80s. With its country and Byrds influences it certainly was different than much of the music coming out at the time. Listening to it now I can appreciate the songs better than when I was younger. In fact, I like this more now than when I first listened to it back in the early 80s. Interesting note, the main songwriter and lead vocalist, Sid Griffin, use to work at a one-stop record distribution company (I think) in Los Angeles and I remember meeting him a few times when he visited the store I worked at. Well, I am pretty sure it was him.

Listening to it now it really is not a big leap from the Long Ryder to Uncle Tupelo and The Old 97s.

The Byrd influence on this band is unquestionable on Ivory Tower  Note - according to the album Gene Clark (of the Byrd) sings on this song!

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