I have always like old soul music. I have been a fan of 60ts and 70ts soul. Within the last year, largely due to be being indoors due to Covid, I have discovered a few current labels and artists that have a passion for this music. Colemine Records out of Ohio is one such label that has been putting out modern soul with a vintage vibe. I have been trying to get my hands on some of their 7'' releases. For example, see that gorgeous cover and look at what is out there to get your hands on! However, if you do not have the time or the inclination to search for 45s, then picking up the first volume of this label is a must. The music on this 2 LP set is top-notch and it will give a great introduction to some of the music that is being made today. At the very least, buying this album will give you a wonderful shopping list for the future. Here is a taste.
The Rugged Nuggets - Yo Todo Tu Yo