Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sea Hags - s/t (1989)

Sea Hags album cover

They were hyped as the new Guns N' Roses when they released their only LP back in 1989. This release (from 2007) is a Rock Candy "Collector's Re-Issue" that contains 2 bonus demos previously unreleased. There are also extended liner notes that tell the story this promising band from San Francisco. Unfortunately, shortly after they released their debut album the broke up. Why? Well, the comparisons to Guns N' Roses may have been a bit too spot on since this band followed the rock'n'roll lifestyle a bit too much (i.e., heroin and other drugs). The music? Well, it rocks. This is a pure, passionate slab of 70s inspired hard rock. While the comparisons to G N' R are good, there is a bit of Aerosmith to them as well. Even for the late 80s, this is music that sounds inspired by an earlier era and does not have much to do with the hair-metal bands of Los Angeles. If you like your rock'n'roll dirty, with a little bit of danger, then Sea Hags will be a good listen.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Neil Young - After the Gold Rush (1970)

After The Gold Rush (CD, Album, Reissue) album cover

I found this in a used CD bin at Jupiter Records in San Diego. I have the LP but it is in storage :( I think I just needed to hear a little Neil. So many classic songs on this LP that it is hard to write about because most of you know it. Technically, this Neil's third solo LP and second with the superb Crazy Horse (this time with a 19 year old Nils Logren). If you like rock'n'roll maybe with a little a twang, then this is a must.

The Babys - Union Jacks (1980)

Union Jacks album cover

The Babys! Well, fairly well known and decent staple of FM radio in the late 70s and early 80s. Eventually, John Waite (lead singer) left the band to go solo and had a few hits in the MTV era. Good old fashioned mainstream pop band. The Babys were melodic with a little bit of muscle but not really power pop. They should have had more hits but they also should have had better songs. Still, not a bad band to get into and enjoy. Here is a hit from the album and then, my favorite song from the album, Back on my feet againMidnight Rendezvous

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Book - My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite (2018)

Wow. Short, quick read but hard to put it down.  Written from the point of view of Korede, the sister to the serial killer Ayoola. This book captures well the stress and thoughts of an older sister that knows her sibling is troubled but who must protect her at any cost. Braithwaite takes a creative approach to the book with lots of small chapters capturing certain moods and scenes. There is no wasted words in this novel. Also, the plot twist at the end is unanticipated but welcome. Recommended.