The first time I heard the song "Temptation "Bout To Get Me" on a soul music compilation that I have, I was floored. The combination and the back and forth vocal delivery of these two gentleman (who are not brothers) was just breathtaking and is exactly why I love about this era of soul music.
When I decided I need to hear more from the Knight Brothers, I found quickly through Amazon that a compilation CD was available on SHOUT, a division of Cherry Records out of the U.K. (of course!). Unfortunately, the CD was no longer available and used copies were going for hefty prices. I decided to write the CD down in my music book and maybe, someday in the future, I would be able to find it cheaper. I just need to remember that it existed.
Over this last Christmas I received a nice Amazon gift card from my sister and I decided to buy some records. As I thumbed through my music book, the Knight Brothers CD came up so I looked for it again. Luckily for me, there was now a copy available for a reasonable price from a trader in Germany. Needless to say I ordered and waited eagerly for its arrival. Yesterday, January 20 was the day it arrived! If you enjoy this song by the Carltons,
I'm A Man, an offshoot of the Knight Brothers whose tracks are also included on this compilation, then you will really enjoy the rest of the CD. If you are into 6Ts soul music, you probably should have this in your collection. One last one, enjoy the passion of this
song. If you enjoy this then you will love the Knight Brothers.